and plan on spending a long time with this. it doesnt happen over night, and you cant cure a sevear yeast infection in a couple days. every thing has to be killed and processed through your liver kidneys and colon. your organs can only take so much of it before it get "sick" and will not function as it should. so you wanna really consentrate on keeping the as "productive" as possable. the healthier your organs are the faster you will heal. dont just through a buuch of antifungals at them and eat garlic all day and think that should do the trick. you liver will be faced with more than it can handle and you get really experience what it means to be too pooped to poop.
start slow and keep you organs wooking good. then at the end when 90% of them or gone. ( you will know when that is, you will feel really good) at that time you want to give them "hell" and anti fungal them and eat the garlic. if you do it right you should come over it in about a month or so depending on how bad it is. but plan on 3 months or more.
liver flush
kidney cleans
and clean that colon for sure.