In the last month....I used acv shakes (1 tbsp each of acv, o/o and psyllium) in addition to cat's claw (an intestinal cleaner) and quite cheap here in Canada. Quite frankly, I have found that fibrous veggies such as kale and carrots were contributing factors...I had these with every meal in the last month. I steamed them only lightly so they maintained their fibrous effect, I believe. (prior to the last 2 months, I have had great difficulty with bms (constipation)!
For the last week, I have been doing acv enemas (after bm) to help remove residue m/p from my bowel because I would release A LOT...then there was always stuff left that the enema helped out! Also, the enema helped to remove some very dark stool that was sometimes warm/hot coming out (indication of toxins departing!!).
I also drink some aloe vera juice and l-glutamine to help heal my intestine (after all that!).
We'll see what tomorrow will bring...there honestly can't be more!! : ))