My point of view
Hi Vlad
Just thought I would share a few comments with you;
First you have to understand that no matter what the regime you will follow to cure yourself can lead to a long road to recovery and that you can have days when you will feel even worse than now; in short, perseverance is key.
You mentioned you've been various
Antibiotics ; in my opinion, that is a major culprit on your condition.
Its most likely that your intestinal flora has been wiped out due to prolonged use of
Antibiotics ; this allows other species competing for space in your digestive track to flourish, specifically candida and parasites. Good bacteria is required to keep overgrowth of unwanted species in check and to breakdown harmful toxins; without the beneficial flora, candida overgrowth for example will settle in your digestive system producing massive amounts of waste (toxins); this can overwork the liver and exaust it; also your waste removal pathways must be clear of obstructions so that your body can eliminate the large amount of waste being produced;
You've mentioned severe acne; this condition arises when your body is overloaded with toxins; basically your body is dumping in toxins into your skin (an elimination organ), perhaps due to slow transition in the intestinal track, or just due to severe toxin accumulation.
Also, any blockage in the liver or galbladder (stones) will reduce the flow of bile, an Essential element, not only in digestion but also to balance pH and destroy harmful species.
With that said I think you have to first make sure your elimination pathways are open before attacking the root of your problem; this means doing
Bowel Cleanses (colonics etc), liver flushes, IR saunas, lymph drainage, etc.
Besides that I think its absolutely imperative to restore your intestinal flora with good quality probiotics; these will attack overgrowth of many species; you most likely will suffer die-off symptoms as you progress and eliminate toxins; digestive enzymes are very helpful specially cellulase, as it breaks down cell walls of dead fungus etc.
By the way im in same position as you; I've been reading a lot and just slowly starting my regime.