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PLEASE HELP me....anybody
Gegatso Views: 1,640
Published: 20 y

PLEASE HELP me....anybody

I have been on four 6-week courses of Antibiotics in the past year and am relatively certain I have candida problems. A few weeks ago (after the last course) I had bad oral thrush so I had a 7 day course of Nystatin liquid which cleared it up almost entirely.
Three days ago I began an anti-candida diet along with the Aqua-Flora high potency formula, and P&B shakes with caprylic acid. On the second day I began to feel lousy..really tired and spacey, so I figured that was due to die-off. But then it hit me...what's going on with the DIET part?
I am basing my diet on all of the sites that list candida diets. I'm not eating the bad stuff and only eating the good, and I'm keeping the carbs just below 60/day.
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to get more calories in my diet! I'm starving to death here. I am only taking in about 1200 calories a day and amalready underweight.
What are you all doing on the diet? Will someone who has an eating plan please email it to me?? A good friend of mine is a food scientist and has this great computer program she uses for work and we could not get a diet figured out that would give me 2,000 calories and still keep the carbs down with the foods allowed.
Someone please help me...quickly. I'm in worse than rough shape. ANY help is greatly appreciated!!


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