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Re: Where do I start with healing leaky gut?
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Re: Where do I start with healing leaky gut?

I suggest you read the website stannard posted above so you learn a little more about leaky gut and its ramifications;
It is important to watch closely what your diet consists of: first you want to make sure you eliminate any foods which cause further inflammation on your small intestine; at the same time you want to starve the candida in your system; there are various diet protocols on treating candida and I suggest you follow it strictly; the candida diet basically eliminates foods which feed the fungus by cutting out a lot of carbohydrates and simple sugars; this diet can also help the leaky gut as it eliminates gluten products from your diet, known to be a common irritating substance to most leaky gut sufferers.
I would also suggest you look into a more thorough cleanse for your whole body specifically Liver Flush and bowel cleanse; it is likely that you have a limited bile flow which creates a complex mix of symptoms ranging from indigestion to toxins accumulation in the gut which allows fungus, unwanted bacteria, and parasites to grow in your digestive system; at the same time you want to make sure you keep your bowels moving to reduce toxin accumulation.

Good Luck


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