Re: For Jonny Vegas
Hi friendlybear.
You might like to get a hair analysis done (e.g. "doctors data" or "Trace elements"). Its a very cheap way to get some useful information about your physiology.
A couple of months ago I started taking glandulars, which have really helped my mental clarity. I still get the brain fog, but I have a search light to shine through it now. Look at my blog:
The Vegas files for more info on glandulars.
One of the quotes which flashes up on curezone is the one about the definition of madness being doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
I firmly believe that candida can not exist in a healthy physiology. Therefore each of us has some underlying dysfunction in immune system/physiology. Orthodox medicine has been saying this all along.
Liver Cleanses, probiotics,
colonics etc. are all band-aids which try to manipulate the problem rather than solving it. I'm not saying don't do these things. What I am saying is that these are symptom relievers more than anything else.
Two things which come up again and again as causes of long-standing candida are Mercury and Parasites. You have to take every possible step to eliminate these possibilities. So my advice is find out the underlying cause. Stop treating "candida", (other than what you need to get by), and start treating your body.
Just my 2 cents,