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Glutathione, Th1 and Downregulation.
Johnny Vegas Views: 2,174
Published: 19 y
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Glutathione, Th1 and Downregulation.

> I am very courious about {glutathione} and it's role in the immunesystem.

You know that glutathione is probably *the* single most important chemical involved in the immune system, acting as it does like a switch between the Th1 and Th2 arms.

>I suspect the new creatures are producing an enzyme, that is activating this molocule in some way. Any thoughts?

Well we know Candida produces plenty of nasty hormone disrupting toxins, many of which haven't been identified yet. So it is certainly not inconceivable that the good guys produce many enzymes/nutrients which modulate the immune system (actually we know they do). I don't know about a direct link with glutathione, though the article posted above shows that B. Infantis ups the Th1 arm - just like glutathione. So who knows?

>By the way, if you eat saurkraut with the B.infantis it will greatly enhance the effect.

Thats good to know. I tried sauerkraut on its own and it didn't do much for me.

>If you are bi-polar {I am not} or anything, the added hyper-energy will be hard to deal with. Healing in this way I find stressful, because you start to become obsessed with every bodily thing. It is a bit scary

Believe it or not I know exactly how you feel and sympathize with you totally. I have been in similar situations which unfortunately did not last for me. It is both exciting and scary at the same time because change is happening so rapidly. I also know what you mean about the bi-polar reference. The engery is scary.

There is a cold scientific logic as to what is going on in your body right now Shroom. A lot of it has to do with the concept of *downregulation*. You chemistry has been messed up for so long that your body has downregulated its need/supply of certain chemicals (e.g. acetylcholine in the brain). When suddenly you correct your body chemistry - WHAM - your body is flooded (e.g. acetylcholine) and you go into a manic/hyper state.

This happened to me recently as I was experimenting with some amino acids and I expereienced some very interesing sensory enhancing effects - all due to acetylcholine downregulation.



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