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My bloodwork tested positive for candida. Can anyone answer a few easy questions?
ahappysmileyface Views: 1,504
Published: 20 y

My bloodwork tested positive for candida. Can anyone answer a few easy questions?

My bloodwork tested positive for candida. Can anyone answer a few easy questions?

1. My dr. wants me to see an infectious disease specialist for the candida. Is this the typical dr to see? If not, what type of mainstream dr would be best?

2. Is is ok to eat oats (Quaker instant oats)?

3. These are some of the ingredients in energy and protein drinks I drink. I'm not sure if they have Sugar or not. Can someone pls. tell me?

1. maltodextrin
2. Splenda
3. dextrose
4. taurine
5. glucuronolactone
6. aspartme
7. inositol
8. phenylalnine
9. glucose
10. sucralose THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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