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A question about diet
apc360 Views: 1,186
Published: 20 y

A question about diet

I am not quite sure about what diet to follow for candida, but so far I've gathered that carbs are bad. Here's the thing though, I've already cut my Sugar intake, and I have also been avoiding anything that has yeast in it. My question is, what am I supposed to eat that will give me enough energy, but won't make me worse? What are these diets everyone's talking about? I work out four times a week, and I need energy. Anyhow, I tried not eating carbs for a day, and just eating vegetables and let me tell you, I was exhausted, hungry, pissed off, had a major headache and I was worthless. I also love fruit, I don't really want to cut that out. Any help is highly appreciated.


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