Seeking Support for Candidiasis Recovery
I have just recently gotten clean and sober off of years of compulsive overeating. My main binge foods were high in simple sugars and dairy (pizza, pastries, blah blah*) and so basically they wrecked up my body and allowed for candidiasis to form and develope over a long period.
So in my abstinence from these foods and drugs and alchohol for the last 5 1/2 months I have gone through not only really intense bodily changes, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual changes aswell.
However, lately I have really become clear about what the real cause of my physical dis-ease and dis-comfort has been for so many years, and most of the signs that i have passed on my research are now pointing at Candidiasis as a core dis-order in my body.
I have not clinically been diagnose yet. No blood tests or allopathic sampling done. But...
I have many of the physical syptoms aswell as the mental fatigue and "irritatibility" that can come with having such an intense autoimmune disfunction. For years I have had chronic allergies and psorriasis of the scalp (a result of leaky gut), and abdominal issues that really had no explanation...These symptoms have decreased realatively well since I have really lowered my intake of nasty, sugary foods, and basically at this point I am going on about 8 days of very minimal
Sugar intake and a daily diet of basically green vegies and animal protein. (i.e alot of raw soups and fish...) however there is still some GI tract issues flaring in a BIG way... i.e major sulfuric gas and abdominal disomfort due to constipation
At this point I am going to really get into long term action around completely depleating the active fungus in my body and restoring my body to it's rightful health, ph balance, and well being. I am literally sick and tired of being debilitated and do feel a sense of relief in knowing that there is an answer out there..
However, presently I am struggling both emotionally and mentally around the issue, because in a sense it can be fairly isolating (with a feeling of restriction and hopelessness) and because it seems that not alot of people are really aware of it... Also at times, it seems larger than life to me in terms of how and what and where the logistics of standing on the strict diet and regemented supplementation...
I am committed though!!! and so, I really wanted to reach out and thank you all for your accessible analysis and advice in the forum and would enjoy a response from anyone who is experiencing active recovery and results of healing with the dis-order...
specific questions: if you completely eliminated the fungus; how long did it take to fully recover; what specifically worked best for you in terms of treatement (supplements, etc); and what your experience is now....
I have also decided to begin consultation and treatment with a professional naturopathic doctor here in Santa Cruz just so I am not going at it alone.... I have mixed messages about stool sample testing and it's accuracy in really determining realistic yeast amounts, I would also call for comprehensive blood tests, and would enjoy your recommendations or suggestions in these areas...
Thus far and further:
I have begun to take Garden of Life "Primal Defense" probiotic supplements (6-8 caps/ day).
Low sugar, high animal protein and raw-vegetable soup diet.
garlic supplements
cayenne supplements
fish oil (6-8 caps/day)
generous flax oil use
ground flax seed(1-2 table spoons/day) w/ raw soups
and yoga/ active lifestyle
and thats about it for today and the next month or so.... if you have any suggestions or additional options to this list that worked for you please let me know!!
and thankyou for this, I feel like i am not alone in it anymore and have enjoyed some of the responses and experience you have shared.