Re: Strange smell and Ankylosing Spondylitis
Oh, boy.
My brother has AS as well and his two spinal discs are already fused and problems with knees blah blah and other usuall symptoms of AS.
I have never read about that strange smell in people with AS so I asume it is not related to AS. Of course first thing that comes- body is trying to get rid of something. Secondly, maybe all candida and stuff being yeast- produse all sorts of gasses, alchohol. Or could it be that clogged gallbladder causes bile to be thrown up to the stomach and up.
Just a sieries of thoughts. As far as AS itself, I suspect there is specific bacteria or two involved in this nasty auto immune reaction. Literature and most research says it's Klebsiella Pneumoniae. I feel that once it got upper hand it is very difficult to get rid of it. We don't know many things, for example, where in the body is the main site of residency of this bacteria. And it is so nasty it fools immune system so it can't detect it- master of disguise. What do we know- maybe it resides somwhere in bone marrow? or maybe in the spleen? Anyway I believe there is cure for that, but we don't know yet for sure. We have to strive to shoot at klebsiella what we think would be the most effective weapon against it. maybe CS, maybe kefir, maybe fscan2, maybe magnetic pulsator, who knows it?
Good luck to you!