Yeah, I looked around some more. There are a lot of websites that apparently link using a sauna as a treatment for candida. Some of them are trying to sell you the sauna, some aren't.
JV is absolutely right that raising your core body temp is dangerous. Follow the swimming rule- don't use a sauna or hot tub alone! Most have a 10 minute time limit. It is also helpful to have a mirror, I think. I used to be a lifeguard, and people would flush red into purple and still be furious when we made them get out. They'd always shout, whine & protest like toddlers, "I can take it," "I've adjusted to it..." A few years after I stopped working there, I found out from others that a man had DIED in the hot tub, getting too hot. Sheesh...wonder if it was one of those abusive guys...
I can only tolerate 2-3 min. myself. Wonder how long it takes to affect candida.