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WhiteIris Views: 14,396
Published: 20 y
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Over the years I have read a good amount of literature on colon health and different diets. I believe that using a blender could be beneficial to the absorbtion of nutrients and the body's ability to rest the digestive tract and restore other organs. Without the need to break down large molecules of food, the intestines have less work to do. More energy can be concentrated to other organs that may be sick or toxic.

See Bernard Jenson's Book for Bowel Health and also the Halleluiah Diet.

Chinese medicine believes that placing water and foods in a blender is analagous to a babbling brook or river. They believe that bu shaking water or spinning water in a blender, MORE oxygen is added to the water or food.

This concept has since been replicated in such things as the Vitalizer. The Vitalizer is a device used to treat water by changing into an easily absorbed form--hexagonal water. This form of hydration is supposed to be superior to all others.

Dan Q on the Water forum is well informed on it if you wanted to know more about Vitalizers.

This is just my opinion. I hope that helps.

Have a Rawesome Day!!




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