candida and allergies, what can I eat?
Please help me with what I can eat with the candida/allergy problem. I understand no dairy, wheat, sugar, yeast (vinegar, oils etc)..
What about fruit, or is that too much sugar?
I am craving
Sugar so much. Is that the candida talking or is it psychological? I went to the allergist last week and with the testing, I am allergic to soy, wheat, milk, corn, beef, turkey, peanuts, pork and yeast.
I am in desperate need for some recipes. I bought a book for cooking with candida, but is has so much soy and corn in the recipes, which I can't have.
yes, I am becoming depressed with all of this. The ice cream in the freezer is calling out my name. Maybe I am going through withdrawals. My dr said that once the candida problem is under control I should not have these
Sugar urges as much and then maybe once my body heals itself then maybe I won't have these allergies as much.
Is it "normal" to have that many allergies?
I originally went for seasonal alleriges. I always have circles under my eyes even in winter. He suspected there were
food allergies too.
I have been able to pinpoint a certain food, but I get really tired after eating milk or lots of sugar, but man that is what I crave!
I never knew I had a candida problem until my GYN todl me that I did after the fourth yeast infection in a year. I could have stock in Monostat and Diflucan! I thought back of when it started. When I was in college 15 years ago, I had strep, bronchitis and several ear/throat infections in a period of 3 months! I was on lots of
Antibiotics . No one told me that I should be taking a probiotic and of course the yeast infections started. Over the years, they come and go but I always have anal itching, never knew what that was til I had
colonics which hurts like a SOB and the therapist said it was candida in my gut!!
I have been doing lots of reading and have realized that the candida and allergies and very much connected. I'm still trying to fiugure out: does the candida cause the allergies, or do the allergies cause out of control candida?
Please help!!!! (I posted this in the allergies forum too)