Re: Exercise and candida
Two years ago when I was winning the battle I also was going to the gym on a regular basis. I would work a sweat for about an hour then sit in the steam room and spa. All the excess sweating releases alot of toxins. When you sit in a spa what your doing is getting a level of oxygen therapy which is suppose to be good for getting rid of decay. Oxygen is an oxidizer which is why things fall apart when exposed to it for long times. So it could be constrewed that when breathing deep like when exerciseing this could be creating an envirement that is helpful to the irradication of candida overgrowth.
Anyways I did beat it and am back to not having any reactions to any foods or envirement. I take that back. Choclate may be a problem especially when I have a choclate protein bar. It seems the last few times I had a lip swelling issue I had had the protein bar that day. Other than that, no hives, rashes, no itching. And I eat just about anything that comes my way. Since eggplant is the first food I have ever had any reacton to I will not even try it again. Even tho eggplant is a nightshade food I can s till eat the other nightshade foods without reactions. I've been off and on this forum for about a little over two years and theres just a few of us that have actually beat this decease. Be wary of everything you try. You have to remember that you already have a comprimised immune system and anything that you use will only mess it up more. So if you choose to use a method that doesnt work the candida will be sure to mutate to a more resistant strain. I think for alot of you its not that you hant found the cure. I believe that when you finally find something that works you either don't use a strong enough dose to kill it and or you shy away from the die off and the candida gets stronger. I believe getting rid of candida is a 2 part program. First kill the candida. That means find anything that works to get there. Second, as with my case since candida is no londer in your system you should be able to eat healthier and build up you strength and immune system with foods and probitics. Thing to note is you dont have to buy probiotic supplements. If you buy organic prduce and consume then raw you will get natural probiotics that have been used for thousands of years. Hope this helps.