Re: What did I do? Mercury removal and Diflucan
Here at curezone we encourage Apple cider vinegar- not any other vinegar, but this one because of the pectin and the mother.
Not the pasteurized form the one WITH THE MOTHER, if its murky it is the right thing.
Antifungal: nonstop until you are cured (you might consider a natural antifungal instead of the chemical)
Acidophilus 3 times a day
The zc lozenge will do the trick.
To AVOID die off, always start with a small amount (acidophilus, zc etc) 1 a day and gradually increase to the recommended amount on the bottle (or less if too much die off occur
Always add one new supplement at a time. so if you react badly you know what is the exact cause.
If you have enough antioxydants and nutrients to protect your body you could get cured of candida without die off symptoms. Die off is your body getting overwhelmed by the toxic dead bodies of rizhomic candida and the toxins it used to grow into.
Your skin irritation WAS die off . There are just as many symptoms as there are essential nutrients deficiency.
When you get die off, slow down on the cleanse, until you feel better take antioxydants and then get back to the cleanse once you feel better.
Take care