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Re: That makes sense
nardo4life Views: 1,437
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 281,546

Re: That makes sense


An important part of maintaining health is providing our bodies with the essential nutritional building blocks we need. Many of us suffer needlessly from minor health problems because we don't identify and fulfill critical nutritional requirements due to poor diet and lack of proper nutritional supplementation.

Methyl-Sulphonyl-Methane, or MSM, is one of those essential building blocks for good health. MSM naturally occurs in all living organisms and is present in human body fluids and tissues. Next to oxygen, water and salt, MSM is our body's fourth greatest demand. It is a critical component of many important amino acids contained in our cellular proteins and is involved in nearly every metabolic process in the body.
MSM is involved in:
- nourishing and regenerating healthy cells
- providing bonds that hold the molecular structure of the proteins together
- helping the liver manufacture bile, a key element in good digestion

You can also do a search on Google for MSM and what is good about it. There have been many articles written on the benefits of MSM.
And it is naturally occuring already in our bodies, so you really are not introducing a foreign substance to your body.

- helping our body utilize the vitamins we take
- maintaining the body's crucial pH balance


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