Re: Important question about cleansing
Welcome to the Cure Zone!!
The stones are excreted through the rectum.
as I understand it, there is a duct that actually connects the liver and gallbladder to the colon, and the stones are pushed out that way, you just poop them out.
I really hope you go thru with the flush!
As for Candida, I am finding out that the starchy foods are as bad a sugar. Potatoes, grains, rice, etc. are not as good to eat all the time as we once thought.
Keeping conditions right for good bacteria is the only way to get them established, and thats the only way to keep Candida at bay.
Once you have killed enough Candida, the others can start to take hold. I am still at a loss as to how to do that as it is a tough job that takes time. There are factors such as chronic illness that makes it tougher yet to kill Canadida.
Acid or alkaline conditions? [see Alkaline or Acid forum!]
Does killing the Candida kill the good ones too? >if So replace the good ones with Probiotics I guess.
I think the body can do it all by itself if we eat right.
Do you have illness or symptoms other than Candida? Do you think Candida caused it or is from the illness/symptoms? how are your teeth?