Burning when urinate..Yeast?
Hello I have been cleaning my body of candida and now that I feel alot better (stomache), accept for gas every single day.
I am having a problem in my vagina. Sex burns like the yeast is drying me out, my period is not normal, like the yeast is clogging me up or something.. I don't want to gross anyone out but with having my period my blood is brown and goopy.
I got off the bc pill back in April. I had two somewhat normal periods but they all seem to be dark brown and light. Then when i started to detox for candida my peroids are not normal.
There is never any normal looking blood and no set time.
My urine burns and I feel all dry.
It doesn't itch, what is wrong with me? I though it could be getting off the pill, but 5 months you would think I would be on track. Could this be all from yeast?
How to I get rid of the burning urination and dried out feeling in my vagina? I put a piece of garlic in there, will this help my urine?