Went Raw Four Days Ago
I'm sort of new in this forum but am really excited...
For several months I had been sick with what felt like the flu. Five months of feeling like crap and I went to the doctor, just to get a diagnosis. Turned out I had mono. But the mono never went away. I was waking up in pain every morning, swollen and achy and with a sore throat with my tongue and hands and feet tingling. I gained about 25+
pounds during this time. None of my cleanses were doing much. The doc diagnosed me with fibromyaliga and they are testing me for Multiple Sclerosis.
I knew in my guts what I had to do...something I had been wanting to do for a very long time but just couldn't muster up the resolve...go raw. Yeah, raw! So while the doctor is gently trying to tell me that I have an incurable disease, inside I am doing cartwheels of joy because I finally had the motivation (as crazy as that sounds) and the reason to go raw.
Up until 4 days ago, I was the worst vegetarian ever....cheese, bread, chocolate..junk food galore. Fully addicted to
Sugar and all that other bad stuff.
Anyway, the best part is that my body *craves* the raw food. I just upped and started right in on 100 percent raw on October 1. Already after 4 days I am starting to feel better. I know that I've got maybe one or two or three healing crises waiting for me, but I am prepared for them. I came to curezone because I remembered a great post to a link (rawandjuicy.com) that told such a compelling story of a woman's journey through Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (very similar to fibromyalgia) and how she completely healed by going raw. Wow.
So anyway, thanks for letting me share....this is the begninning of my journey on going raw. I'll keep you posted as to how the healing goes.