Hi everyone. As I was telling everyone before, I was trying a enzyme/immune-boosting formulation. The results are still having a DRAMATIC effect on my energy levels. I feel like I'm actually morphing into a new person. Everything is becoming better;-job, social life, my art, my general enjoyment of life! The diet is a big factor as well, but I am consuming alchohol on the week-ends. The candida is now starting to back-off a bit. I just went out and bought "bifidobacterium longum" [with other probiotics] and the results were noticed over-night! The white mouth thing was almost gone. Thanks to Johnny Vaga's post. It is the prostate that needs to be dealt with next. After that,[hopefully sex-drive will be back to normal] I will consider my health to be at a satisfactory level. I hope this info can be helpful in some way to you guys.---------------Later, shroom