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Fruit till noon?
millienyc Views: 11,072
Published: 21 y

Fruit till noon?

I've been a vegetarian on and off since my teens, and I've recently started eating a mostly raw diet with lots of fresh vegetable juice, as well as whole fruits and veggies. I've felt great, even though I've only been doing this for a few weeks, and a friend who hadn't seen me in about a month told me I look great! But I'm very confused about one thing. I've been eating only fruit till noon, because I've read various places that it is good for detoxification. But some people say that eating only fruit until noon causes your pancreas to overproduce insulin, just like eating a candy bar. I've struggled with mild to moderate Acne the past few years, and I've had no new breakouts since I started eating more raw food and got processed stuff out of my diet, but I'm concerned that eating too much fruit will make me break out again. I really like fruit and it doesn't seem to affect my body the same way refined Sugar does, but I was wondering what other people thought about the fruit till noon theory.


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