Costochondtitis is a mystery to the doctors because the pain often can emanate from the spine, from the liver/gallbladder, or from a localized area. It's hard to find the root of the problem. If it comes from the liver/gallbladder the flushes/cleanses are key. If it is a spinal problem things like massage, chiropractic, EFT/accupresure are helpful. All above suggestions are good. Sometimes cosctchondritis and other mystery pains have an emotional tie-in the way a headache or neck ache comes after a stressful situation. Repeated stress or emotional trauma/PTSD can be the underlying cause of these mystery ilnesses. Get rid of the trauma/stress and healing flows. That's why EFT works where often nothing else will. The folks who have tried every natural herb/cure and done all the cleanses and still get no relief are usually the ones who have an emotional component that holds the pain in place until the emotion/s is healed.