Results from 4th flush
I am noticing results this week, my emotions seem to be a lot better I have got over the intense anxiety I have had since last week.
The pain in my lower right side of my colon and pain in gallbladder area had got a lot better also. I have noticed that the body odour I have had since for about a year has improved over night! Which is very good as it smelt like marijuana! which I smoked lots as a teenager,i am now 24 and haven't smoked for 5 years, its good to hopefully think I've got it out my system at last!
One thing I have noticed is my right gland in my throat is very swollen and painful I have started oil swishing so think it may have something to do with this?
My skin has slightly got worse though I am hoping this is temporary, and I'm using bicarbonate of soda and acv to try and clear it up.
Its good to know that my body is becoming more efficient!
I am know kidney cleansing, which should also help with my fear and anxiety!