Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster
I would like to take issue with your post,if I may. It probably want come as a supprise to you, but I strongly dissagree. Also another nonsupprise is that my response will be based upon my understanding of GOD'S word,the bible. I will only address the last two paraghaphs of your post.
Why would GOD creat a world? First off,because that is what HE does,HE creates. Everything you see was created for a purpose. You would know that if you understood the plan of GOD,(now is not the time to discuss the plan of GOD). What you see has perfect design and order,the sun comes up when it is supposed to,and everything stays where it is designed to be.The sun is not 50 miles away one year and 1 billion the next.
Why would GOD make man to suffer? GOD does NOT make man to suffer. HE allows it ,so hopefully that man will learn and turn to HIM and not keep making the same mistakes over and over,as you so aptly put in the sentence,greed,poverty,starvation,pollution,genocide. Perhaps unbeknown to you, MAN creates his own problems. Every form of government man has devised has failed,mainly because they did not include GOD in them. So when CHRIST returns. Guess what? HE is going to set up the government of GOD here on this earth,it would take 1,000 or more posts to explaine,and that is not my purpose just now.
Send HIS son to suffer. CHRIST did suffer more than and human that ever lived or ever will live. HIS love was so great for HIS FATHER and you and me that HE was willing to suffer and give HIS life for us, so that we may at some time in the future be able to be in the very GOD family.
I want you to think carefully about your next statement. He will not accept us into heaven until we repent. Why,why would GOD or anyone want to be near someone that didn't love them or even believe that they existed? First off I must say that GOD WILL NOt dwell in the presents of sin,and we are all siners,that is why we must all repent(change our ways).
If we don't repent,then straight to hell. This is where you are really cunfused,hell is nothing more than the grave. Satan has the world deceived,this is one scripture that I do want to quote from the bible. (REV.12-9)So the great dragon was cast out,that serpant of old,called the DEVIL and SATAN,Who DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD;he was cast to the earth,and his angles were cast out with him.
When one dies they are burried in the grave and KNOW NOTHING( they are not suffering)at thier appointed time they will be resurrected. At that time they will have thier chance to know GOD. GOD is no respecter of persons, every one will have thier one chance. If at this time,they refuse to obey GOD then they will suffer the second death. (20:5&6):5 But the rest of the dead did not live AGAIN until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. :6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the SECOND DEATH has no power,but they shall be priests of GOD and of CHRIST,and shall reign with HIM a thousand years.
Finally the name that you called GOD I will not repeat. However I will say that you,me and every human, that has ever lived befor you and all that shall come after you, WILL stand before GOD and give account for thier actions,deeds,words and yes even our very thoughts.
Meditate and dwell on these things for your own good.
It is the truth,
It is undeniable,
It is indisputable,
It is irrefutable,
And it is in the bible.
No responce is necessary,this is just my feelings and I stand by every word.
Sincerely I C L