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Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster
superhero Views: 1,475
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 275,045

Re: Flying Spaghetti Monster

yea that's real cute and all...but back to real life, would you care to propose 1 thing that disproves that an almighty God created this world? Also I would like for you to share one piece of proof that evolution is true and real. ie...transitional fossils (Darwin said there would be millions of them) or a workable theory on how life emerged and evolved from nothing. Show me how something as random and as "designlessness" as evolution could create a human being who is the epitome of thought and design. Show me how we can observe in nature non-living matter evolving into a living breathing being. Tell me why, if humans were an accident and have no real purpose why almost every human in the history of the world has searched for purpose. These should get you spinning your wheels for a while.



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