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Tooooo Looooooong!!....I got the gist of the post, but...
anonymousjane_01 Views: 2,502
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 274,875

Tooooo Looooooong!!....I got the gist of the post, but...

Here's another question I would like to pose....

According to Evolution and Survival of the Fittest, organisms who evolve who can survive the best in an environment will procreate and thrive in that environment while the weakest or least adaptable organism will die off.

Okay, question, if the weakest die off, how is evolution reconciled. IOW, let's say you have an organism call pigeonbird. It has adapted better than robinbird. pigeonbird offsprung fromd robinbird ((out of random mutation)). If pigeonbird was a better organism for survival, why does robinbird still exist on earth. Let me be even more clearer...if humans evolved from apes bc of natual selection, then why do apes still exist???, remember they were the weakest and could not survive in its environment.



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