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Re: WOW tons of proof!
Foghat Views: 2,584
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 274,876

Re: WOW tons of proof!

Root you wanted proof here it is Science is not just acouple of un associated thoughts and dogma like religion, its not designed to be fraudulent but cohesive and provable using the laws of nature and common sense! Your question are not scientific or reasonable ! Your trickery only fools the uninformed and anti intellectualism of the
the fake creationist! You have nothing, your thoughts and questions are non scientific and not valid! I have proved you wrong in a sane manner and all you can do ask mindless stupid questions over and over ,trolling by posting guidelines ! You are not here to debat but only to bash something you dont understand and wont take the time to try to understand, your lack of reason an common sense proves that !
Your question are the equal to a child asking why the moon is made of green cheese its childish and unprovable ! You can makes rediculous clamis but have no answers whatsoever! Im done with your repetitive lame questions I am not playing your asinine game anymore!


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