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Re: individuals are lied to and deceived
Jawg Views: 2,270
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 273,969

Re: individuals are lied to and deceived

"But that individual responsibility cannot work properly if individuals are lied to and deceived. Who do you believe?
Which brings us right back to curezone. "

Thats right on! WE have the best thing going here.
But beware - if its a good thing, the reptiles won't just ignore it. We have been "infected" here too, don't doubt it.Thats right, I am saying that Cure Zone has "plants" here, spewing DIS-information. The CZ management ["webmasters"] refuses to believe it, or take any action to stop it [i do not have any foolproof ideas on how to do that].

Some "plants" - Lapis calls them Trogs I think - will say things like "low gut acid - alkalinity - is good, here is a product you can buy to give you low gut acid". Then you get an ulcer, or diarhhea, or cancer....

We need the acid. Low gut acid brings in billions of dollars to the pharmacy/medical people, as we suffer needlessly.

The answers for good health are not simple. But creating disease is simple. Most of out modern ailments are "created".

Our DNA says we should be functioning noramlly unless something is affecting us CONSTANTLY. otherwise, we would revert to normal DNA expression and feel well, energised but relaxed, and without infections.

That stuff is done on purpose. People are getting alll these illnesses in our modern and clean world that should see us all being much more "well" than 100 years ago. Something is wrong that we should see such epidemics of all kinds nowadays.
Why an explosion of IBS?
Why are cancer rates rising [and why do they try to show us they are dropping with stupid stats like "surviving after 5 years" as an indicator that cancer is less now?]?
Why osteoporosis with our ample diets? [pills reduce calcium uptake]
Why is gallbladder surgery the most common operation instead of simply avoiding Gallstones or flushing them out, why operate so much without finding the cause of gallstones? And that the operation does not bring total relief anyhow!!

1000s more examples of diseases being created.




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