Re: I'm a regular visitor to the Christian Forum
"If everyone followed "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" we'd all be left blind with toothless smiles."
not strong people who can defend themselves. You know, that's how it works in the wild. Yeah in our society it,s different but still, that's how I live my life and so far I have had a GREAT life.
"But, Christians aren't push-overs or doormats, we just have a Higher Power to answer to when we have been hurt."
No, you THINK you do. It,s a beleif based on an old book that was written by men just like you and me, and evidence shows that it has no validity. It is also full of contradictions and incoherence. Saying otherwise would be a huge lie. It's your choice to beleive it or not, but I see it as running away from your feeling.
"n extreme circumstances such as murder, we are allowed to feel whatever feelings come up whether it be anger, or whatever. God doesn't want us to not have feelings. "
Actually it says somewhere in the bible that thinking about sin is just as bad as actually doing it. So what you said goes against the bible. According to christian philosophy thinking about taking revenge is just as bad as actually going out and killing the guy. Of course in the society we live in, I'd be in trouble if I actually went out and killed him, so I PROBABLY wouldn't either. He'd be in jail anyway so that would be difficult. But it's one of the reasons why I'm for the death penalty. I don't get the satisfaction of doing it myself but the other guy gets what he deserve.
But know this: it's a great satisfaction to make your ennemies suffer, just like it's a great satisfaction to bring pleasure and joy to your loved ones. Both feel great.