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If you really...
Blue Stone Views: 2,520
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 270,856

If you really...

...want to open *your* mind? Try this thought and see where it leads.

Imagine if you will a world that *you* create ongoing(out of your thoughts, words and actions). And collectively we create the world so if it is "bad" or painful, then it is up to us to change things. If you burn your finger because you touch a hot pot, you are careful next time to take precautions.

Collectively if we see that we are polluting our planet (our home), then it becomes our responsibility to make the necessary changes.

I noticed a mythical cloud sitting, lightening throwing god entity isn't involved in this process. If this was "his" creation why would he let us ruin it? For giggles? If that was the case it would kind of make "him" a saddist who gets off on torturing animals and people until they break down and love him (deivine insecurity issue). Kind of like a nasty 4 year old torturing his toys in his bedroom.

Oh and using the logic whereby you require an entity to create creation, then by your same self perpetuating psuedo logic, who or what created god....and so on and so on.

Now if you continue to choose to plug your ears and project "la la la la" (short for regurgitated dogatic expressions hand fed to you by indoctrination specialists in true cultish conditioned fashion), then have a safe and pleasant journey with your council on your current incohernet merry go round that you are creating but haven't realized yet.


You can always leave fear behind later when you're ready and begin the process of rebalancing your life and thus your world, instead of waitng for your imaginary, conjured freind to save your butt. A hopefully "easy way out" projection to counter your current inner mileau but to deny karma is saying the earth is flat. You can say it but it isn't supported.

Take back your power and create your own "heaven"! Break down your story(life) and rebuild it so it is coherent. I know it's a lot of responsibility but you can do it....when you're ready.


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