Hi Shannon,
I have always had the same problem... major hunger when I tried to just eat healthy but I have been on the Bowel Cleanse for 11 days now & it really has taken away a lot of hunger. I have been eating 1 to 2 meals a day and most of it raw veggies (VERY little meat, dairy, sweets, bread)... we'll see what happens after I'm done with the cleanse. What I really wanted to say to you is that if you are trying to go on an all raw food diet all at one it may be harder... maybe just making the transition a little slower would be better. Like try to eat the raw foods but when you are really hungry & are tempted to go for the pizza just make a healthier choice that way you dont feel so bad. Just a thought. My goal is to change my lifestyle for good to a 90 percent raw (if not all) diet... kind of hard with 3 teenager in the house.Maybe someone else might be of more help. I have no clue about the carrots but if you haven't done the Bowel Cleanse maybe you should try it,lol.
Take Care & Best of Luck, Emmy