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Elitism - a rat story
Karlin Views: 1,072
Published: 21 y

Elitism - a rat story

The Rats

A colony of rats lived where cheese was available, but not abundant. They fought over it, and the biggest toughest fastest smartest rats generally got the cheese, even if another found it.

One year something different happened - one of the colony rats, Jason, a smart and fast one who could come up with more cheese than he wanted for himself, started SHARING his cheese.

When the elite rats heard of this, they felt threatened. If the potential Elite rats started sharing cheese, it would mean less for the other elites who has allways taken more than they got themselves.

The 'rat that dared shared' , also known as the "Cheese Sharing Freak", was bullied by the elites, and when that didn't stop him, the started putting small amounts of arsenic and mercury in his food. Then they started to beat the ones who took the gifted cheese morsels.
When the colony started to question this tough new stance of the elites, it was explained by the elites to the others that if cheese was shared equally, it would create a power vacuum, and the whole economic structure would fall apart. How could they afford health care and education then? Who would protect the colony if there were no elites?

So then the Elites made it hard to get any food at all. Hunger hit them, and they started to fight each other. Thats what the elites wanted - now they could reduce the population so there would be more food to go around, and the colony would be traumatised by all the deaths, making it easier to assert control and threaten them successfully. They now gave all their cheese and half their bread to the elites, and with too much food for themselves, they organised an army of young male rats. The elites reminded the colony of the recent violence, and told them that this army was to "fight off the enemies of the colony". There was no enemy of the colony of course, the army just made sure the cheese and bread was handed over to the elites, and in case of a revolt under the starvation rationing.
The elites had full control now, with the army being paid in food the colony gave them. Without that, the colony could overthrow the elites.

That kind of double edged sword is needed in any successfully enslaved - by - elitism colony. It was an old tactic that is never taught in schools or heard of on the news. It is what human elites are doing too, with many and various tactics that either cause fear and turmoil, or that somehow convince the people to give up their money to the elites - through illness, taxes, addiction, etc.. Its often just stolen, preteneding to be for one thing but going into elite hands, like the Liberal Sponsorship program, or even the Enron Debacle. Public pensions are lost too, and that money somehow goes to the elites, either as future positioning in a downward market, which is just as good as cash to them, or as payouts to creditors in front of pension losses.
As long as the average person neither prospers too well, nor feels too good, things will stay the same. Once people prosper, then they begin to look to make political change evey time.


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