20 y
hello and welcome...
yes... there is support here... i'm here at least twice a day and would be most happy to answer any questions... or to help you perhaps overcome any problems that arise... the good thing is that you have a computer and communicate... i think communication (in what ever form available) is most important for a new comer...
if i might make a few suggestions... i would suggest that you try to start each day with 15/30 minutes of quiet meditation... but if nothing else... at least start your day by asking God to help you make it through the day without taking a drink... and at night when you retire thank him for all He has done for you... personally... i like starting my morning meditational by reading the "daily reflections" which was written by alcoholics... for alcoholics... there are many common characteristics we alcoholics have in common... and the more of these we become aware of the better...
one other thing... if you wish... you can use me as a temporary sponsor... until you find someone more suitable... in which case... if you so decide... i would suggest we correspond via email...
all we can do is try as best we can to stay sober "one day at a time"... for life is very much like trying to eat an elephant... you will choke if you bite off more than you can chew... so... we just cut him up in bite sized pieces...