What do you guys think about taking the herbal lax tea while breaking?? I am on day 2 of my break from a 10 day MC. I did the orange juice all day yesterday and today and just had the vegetable soup (yummmy) for dinner. I used some olive oil in the soup so i thought maybe that would help my gallbladder release all the built up bileand I would have some sort of movement. Well, I had the soup about 40 minutes ago and no BM yet, but i feel stuff moving around in there and kinda bubbling a little. I started probiotics today (Ultimate Flora Capsules - 50 billion live cultures per capsule!!) and had my soup about 6 hours after. Do you guys think taking the lax tea to help get things moving is a wise move or should I just leave everything to nature?? Any input would be beneficial, thanks!