The drinking issue seems to be better. All in all I feel alot better. I attribute my feeling good to the Master-Cleanse and no liquor. I have gone 5 days without a drink and I attribute that to the MC. For some reason I just don't have the mental idea that I need to drink. I had to do some banking today and a really great liquor store is across the street and I was really really tempted to go but I had rememberd something another MCer had said so I didn't go. I was tempted though..not through a craving..just a well it's there sort of thing. But I can go home tonight and be proud that I have one more day down. I almost feel throught typing this right now that I am substituting the liquor with the MC. Hmmm I will have to think on this because I can't be on the Master-Cleanse my whole life. GRrr now I am worried. Oh well I can't get to far ahead of myself if you know what I mean. But I am doing well all in all.