Hello Agnes / Bob...I am thinking of purchasing a Zapper (Dr. Clark), after reading her book, and reviewing this site. I have done the *colon/bowel * herbal parasite cleanse, (it made me feel sick, and swollen) and tomorrow nite(Friday) I will do my first Liver/Gallblader cleanse. (I'm scared :>O) ... Do the Zappers make a lot of difference with requards to staying parasite - free? I have spent SO much money on other health related products that were a waste of money, and, the Zapper with postage is expensive. (to me anyway)...Is it really worth the money? How do you know it is working? Can anyone else who has a Zapper give me information? Can you tell a difference in the different styles? I am ready to order one now / or not :>). Thanks for any advice! StarBrite...