Re: thanks Kelly
I am very happy you feel comfortable to jump into the water again and go ahead with your 20 day cleanse.
You owe me nothing but if you can better your health and function, it helps all of us, since in these times I feel there is a need for a greater awareness that old time healing modalities like fasting and body maintenance can work.
I also feel that is a good reason to fill out the
Master-Cleanse day things like
Liver Flushing and doing cleanses like this may be mainstreamed. The medical community does what it can, but really, we have outgrown the system and the level of care is no where what it used to be 20 years ago. Relative of course to the new treatments but I am speaking to the number of people trying to use the medical assets and we just do not have enough.
Another benefit will surely be that the quality of life will be better than if we never did anything to help ourselves feel better. I have a greater appreciation for this since I did deal with a major health crisis alternatively whereas my internist would not have approved, but would have dropped me anyway because there is some weird doctor code which disallows mixing the treatments because of liability issues. I know it sounds crazy because it was. So I had to choose. I am so glad we have choices here at Curezone and the information on how to implement them!
Best of luck to you,
The Master Cleanse Express