My dear, my dear , my dear! What a set of prolems you have and it is going to take some thought and time to unravel them , Do I understand correctly that you are female? But the very first action to be taken is to stop taking the accutane, rogaine and vaniqa IMMEDIATELY. It is entirely irresponsible for anyone to prescribe, especially accutane, it has had some real horror stories laid at its door and was the subject of a startling and horrifying documentary on a television programme here just this week. It can be very VERY disfiguring . I think that you need to start the journey to wellness by a fast of at least two weeks...water, fruit juice and vegetable juice. If you are willing to be guided by me I will be willing to work with you. The only payment required is your dedication and commitment to the journey... your journey the restored health you deserve. I would prefer to do this within the privacy of your own email, if you have one.To get you started on the road to health you can do something that costs only cents... I refer you to my reply because of flaxseed oil etc.. on this site. Peace and love....