I am a 22 year old female, and I suffer from many problems which are ruining my life and confidence. I have overweight problems, hair loss (I have fine hair and it is thinning noticably) oily skin and cystic, painful
Acne (on face, neck, jawline, chest, shoulders, back and it leaves scars), excess facial hair (especially under chin, neck, jawline, sideburn area, and upper lip...I try to wax it off, the product box says you should be hair-free for up to 8 weeks, but it grows back in less than a week), and dark circles and bags under my eyes. Does anyone know what could be causing these problems???I thought it was hormones, but when my doctor tested my hormone level the results said my hormones were only a little unbalanced. So why do I have these problems then? When I ask dermatologists, they say use accutane for acne, use rogaine for hair loss, and use vaniqa for facial hair, but this is only treating a symptom, it's not curing the real cause. Once these products are stopped, the problems will come back again. I don't want to have a life-time commitment to these medications. I want to cure these problems at the source, from within, I don't want to just treat the symptoms, this won't help. I took accutane 7 years ago and shortly after using it I began having rectal bleeding (I still suffer from this today) and when I stopped the
Acne came back. I have been to many doctors but they don't help. I want to try experimenting with natural cures, no more medicine.
Do you think it will help cure all these symptoms? What can my
expectations be, realistically? Also, when I was a teenager I was very anorexic, and I lost alot of weight in a short amount of time, and a few months after the weight loss started I got the cystic acne, and the hair loss. I have since become very overweight. Did the anorexia have anything to do with these problems I suffer from today, almost 7 years later?? If anyone has ever experienced any of these and has had success curing them or if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it, understanding these problems' origins and their cures is a mystery to me...
PS... How come there's no hair loss or facial hair forums on the list?