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Fasting for spiritual reasons...
Lithia Views: 3,597
Published: 19 y
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Fasting for spiritual reasons...

Well, the best example I can give you is Luke 4:1-2..."and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being fourty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing and when they were ended, he afterward hungered"... Jesus was "enlightened" after fasting in the wilderness, and many other cultures undertake fasting as a method to become one with "God", or whatever their interpretation of God is.

I have read in the Bowel Cleansing Forum that during the course of the Bowel Cleanse a person may release stored memories along with old fecal debris, and since The Master Cleanser cleanses the bowels (as well as many other body systems) I believe that it has the potential to release those old feelings as well.

When I say that I am doing this for spiritual reasons, my main goal is to re-attain a healthier body, deal with my "demons" as they come to me, seek stillness within, and listen to that still small voice that speaks to all of us, if we listen closely enough.

I read somewhere on the web that if you go out in nature once a day for 20 minutes and spend time alone thinking about your life, where you've been, where you're going, what really important to you, that after 21 consecutive days of this "meditation" one will become enlighted. And that web site was not about fasting, so I can only hope that fasting combined with this "ritual" will bring a clarity to my life and where I'm headed. I am a spiritual person and believe that there is a higher power directing our lives and the world we live in. Wouldn't it be wonderful to "be one" with that power and hear that still small voice within loud and clear?

Hope this answers your question.

Good luck on Day 9!!!



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