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Re: avoid (hybrid) seedless Watermelon
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Published: 19 y
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Re: avoid (hybrid) seedless Watermelon

Wow.. I wish you all the best, but, when you say for spiritual reason (I've read this on a lot of posts) what do you mean exactly? What spiritual changes can one experience and how soon? I'd be really interested to know what people mean when they talk about doing this fast for spiritual reasons.

Today I went for a walk to a park near work, and I had such a lot of energy (I'm on day 8 and I would have never imagined I'd get here) that my legs could not move fast enough, so I started to run for 1 minute, walked again and run again for another minute and then walked fast for about 15 minutes - you must know that I've never been capable of running so having this desire really surprised me.

My vision is so sharp that I noticed things I'd never noticed before. I felt so happy but also felt like crying at the same time. It was weird!

I saw my colleague having a salad for lunch and I really felt like having one myself. It's the first time I've felt like eating really, but again I haven't been around food at all for 8 days. The thought of having a salad (I love salads you see) has been in my head all afternoon.

Good luck to you both, and everyone else out there.




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