nauseous again (why is that word so hard to spell, and even when you get it right it doesn't look it? lol)
> thanks Gill
Because if you are nauseated you don't care much about spelling anyway!;)
I did the Epsom Salt and olive oil flush. Stop eating at 2pm. Mix 4 tablespoons of epsom in 3 cups of (water or citrus. I used citrus, much tastier) and cool. Take 3/4 cup of this at 6, 8pm and the next day at wake up and then 2 hours later.
1/2 cup of olive oil mixed with the juice of a fresh squeezed grapefruit at 10pm, going to bed on your right side with feet curled up.
Personal note - i am pretty much a free mover in the bowels to begin with. When I do this flush again in a few weeks - I will not take the epsom on the second day. I had an overabundance of movements and no pebbles after move #3. I have no reason to have 10!