Re: you should not be fasting with a heart condition.
Finally a kindred soul who can understand my plight :-) I have had ECG's at emergency rooms at least eight different times, spent a week in the hospital hooked to the ECG (only anxiety and the chest pain was esophogitis caused by excessive vomiting, I couldn't keep down water, in a full blown state of panic when admitted, thinking I was dying of a heart-attack, but I stray from my point) and my cardio also ran an ECG in November. All came back fine. I am quick to self diagnose, anxiety pumps are probably what they are :-) I am four days into my cleanse and have only had one "flip flop" on day one and my anxiety level is WAY down.
I am considering breaking the cleanse, and wondering about having "stirred up" some toxins. Is it safe to quit on day four? How should I break such a short cleanse safely??? How soon can I start P & B shakes for a bowel cleanse???
My new plan of action (taken from the Anxiety forum):
Bowel Cleanse
Dental Clean-up (remove
Amalgam fillings)
kidney cleanse (MC)
Liver Flush
I am hoping to complete this by the end of the year, by next summer tops.
Thanks for your help!!!!