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Re: UNDESIRIBLE dreams on mc ! !

Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

denizen3 Views: 1,399
Published: 19 y
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Re: UNDESIRIBLE dreams on mc ! !

I've studied dreams & dream interpretation as a hobby for quite some time. What scientific studies have shown is that - most often - dreams are not predictory, but are your subconcious mind's way of filing information you've gained, things you've seen, feelings you've had over the course of the day. It's like a nightly mental/emotional clean up and cleanse. :) (Science has also proven that everyone dreams every night, we just don't always remember the dreams.)

Sometimes senseless dreams are just that - senseless. Other times, they do have meaning specific to the dreamer. While there are some universal symbols in dreams, more often, the symbols are unique to the individual.

I believe the most important element to interpreting a dream is how you *felt* during the dream. If you can link that up to a feeling or situation you are having in waking life, that can help unlock the meaning of the dream.

Dreams in which you feel scared are not always foreboding dreams. We fear a lot of things in life that are actually positive, such as life changes, major or minor.

I also believe that being on The Master Cleanse and the detoxifying process also helps us cleanse emotionally, as another poster mentioned.

All that said, I would agree with the interpretation kittyglitter gave in their post. I also thought when reading your dream that it seems you are feeling out of control, perhaps as if another person or belief system that isn't necessarily your own is trying to influence / control you, and that you have some changes happening in your life that you are apprehensive about, but you know it's for the best to go forward.

Only you know if the interpretation that has been shared feels right to you.

All the best,


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