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rough Day 10--fast not over though

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 19 y

rough Day 10--fast not over though

Last night I had a killer of a headache. I hadn't had much detox symptoms prior, so maybe it took awhile. I tried an Epsom Salt bath (like 4 C full!) and sat in there for a looooong time. No help. I took the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) next, late at night, but hardly anything came out and it was no help. So I finally took some ibuprofen because it was either that or not sleep and between the two, sleep feels more important to my overall health than a few ibuprofen pills. But bummer. Nothing budging on the scale either yet (5 days the same?) I'm not at all looking to break the fast, but it's getting to be a bit of a drag. So I guess I gotta give it more time, but I'm feeling bummed. But I know from past experience there are ups and downs with the fast, and even though on the "surface" I FEEL pretty bummed out at the moment, on the other hand, my greater/deeper self knows this is a good sign, cause as I say, I haven't detoxed much in 10 days yet so I know this is detox progress, even if it doesn't FEEL all that great. Hope not to bring others down though with my whining.


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