Day 8 (and tagalong) Enders
Hey All!! I hope you had good day eights (are any 7/9ers still hanging out w/ us?)today! YAY missp - I'm so glad you are hanging in there with us! I totally know how sleeplessness can take you out at the knees. Woohoo! We're almost there!
Today was ok for me physically. I realized this evening that I havn't had sticky teeth for a couple of days. I was just sort of even today, in terms of energy, hunger, cravings. Not too bad. Not great either. Just hanging in there. I was a total emotional wreck for some reason, though. I don't know what it was, but I ended up pretty useless for most of the day not b'c I felt bad but b'c all this mental crap just kept surfacing and surfacing. I don't know if it was related to the
Master-Cleanse or not, but the intensity and duration was really unusual. Kinda freaked me out.
After reading about the
Epsom Salts today, I indulged and had a nice long soak this evening (I'm not really a bath person, but figured of all the days, this was it.) I feel a lot better now! It was such an intense 20 minutes, and I got really light headed after. Every other time I've put ES in my bath, it's been just a quarter or half cup at the most. WOW.
Anyway, I guess that's enough for now. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone else's day!