Doesn't sound like a fast
Quote "I am on day 4 of a 20 day "spring cleanse", for lack of a better term. I haven't ever done a cleanse before, but have been eating pretty healthy lately. At this point, I have been eating mainly fruits and veggies since day one (and a shake every AM that has fruits, flaxseed oil, lecithin, plain protein powder etc.) Also drinking detox teas and exercising daily.
Here is the issue: I am dizzy! Dizzy, and foggy, like I have ODed on Benadryl. especially in the evening. And none of these things, expect the protein powder and the lecithin, are new to me."
Hi secondwind,
This doesn't sound like a fast at all - eating fruits and vegetables for four days. Not that you cannot gleam some information from this forum, but it also doesn't sound related to the Master Cleanse. Can you clarify a bit?