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Re: parasite treatments
Zoebess Views: 5,944
Published: 19 y
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Re: parasite treatments

I do use Herbal Healer parasite products, have for years. I used to travel much more and especially loved to get in any water bigger than a puddle and so was constantly vigilant about parasite invasion since water is a huge carrier. Snorkling makes it even easier for critters to enter via the mouth, eyes, get my drift. Annually, I usually do a parasite cleanse once a year in the fall after my water excursions are through and at other times when I am exhibiting symptoms of parasites.

For kicks I will do 30 days of the Wormwood complex, just drops in water, once a day. A friend has given me a homeopathic treatment for parasites to try out which she found in Germany. It specifically goes for small parasites. There are so many but for the ones we usually run across the herbal preparations we are used to are a good blanket wormer. Have been using them in hopes that if I have any blood parasites those babies are history. Mostly though, walking barefoot a lot and being around lots of pets pretty much guarantees I am sharing their parasites. I also take pure oregano oil in water or caps to keep my system inhospitable to parasites. I bought my oregano oil from the Barefoot Healer. You want to be sure to get something with a good potency or it is ineffective and a waste of money.

This year I am trying something new...MH, the barefoot healer whose link you will find below, makes a good dewormer which is good enough I think he has cornered the Amish market in his neck of the woods in Ohio. I like it because he uses the male buds from the walnut tree and says this is better than the Clark preparation. It is a 30 day, all in one bottle, dewormer and is liquid so appeals to me. I just finished up his Kidney flush, again a one bottle, once a day, cleanse. His dewormer comes recommended by so many I am interested in giving it a shot. He also has a version of the Clarkia parasite drops...about 7 bucks a bottle cheaper. I am sticking with Herbal Healer Wormwood complex because I know it is effective for me.

1 bottle of Intestinal Freedom (120 caps) and 1 Bottle of HHA Anti-Parasite Tincture
You will need one bottle of each per adult for 30 days.

All natural herbal formulation.(Ingredients:Natural Blend of: Black-Walnut Hulls, Black-Walnut Extract, Fig Enzyme, Jerusalem Oak Seed, Bromelain, Papain, Cascara Sagrada Bark, Sage, Male Fern, Odorless Garlic, Green Ginger Root, Culvers Root, Violet Leaf, Pomegranate Bark, Pumpkin Seed, Tansy Seed, White Oak Bark.) Clinically tested in Mexico and at HHA, it has been found to be very safe and effective. Side effects can be a sudden onset of diarrhea, but this is viewed as a positive sign and the bodies way for helping to get rid of the dying parasites. It is also easy to take. Adults under 200 pounds take 2 caps 1/2 hour after lunch and 2 caps 1/2 hour after dinner. Take this for 30 days - 1 bottle has 120 caps. The reason it's taken after a meal is this is when most of the parasites become active and feed. Children over 8 - take 1 cap twice daily.
Reg $24.00

Should be taken as well - Adults only. This is formulated from the herbs recommended by Dr. Hulda Clark . She has done extensive research with parasites and patients and published a few books, the most popular being The Cure For All Diseases - $19.95 available at HHA. This tincture is made from fresh green walnut hulls, wormwood and cloves and tastes terrible, but it is is highly effective and safe. Use 1 dropperful in a small amount of liquid twice a day until bottle is gone. Regular price is $15.95 - 2 oz.

The Ask Barefoot forum here can also provide other parasite treatment answers and MH usually will provide timely answers.

Good luck on your healing path!

be happy, be well,




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