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Re: Is it dangerous to break a fast by just outright eating?
  Views: 774
Published: 19 y
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Re: Is it dangerous to break a fast by just outright eating?

I can't give you a textbook answer, but I've tried this myself (not intentionally)and had very bad consequences.

I had been on the Master-Cleanse for 4 days and had followed to the letter. My husband had made some spaghetti with butter. (looking back on it now, I'm still shocked that it tempted me. I avoid that even on a 'normal' day.) I was compelled to take one bite. Then another. And another. Big mistake. Before I knew it, I had eaten about a cup's worth. My stomach felt fine. I drank some water. About 2 hours later, I was hit with terrible cramps in my intestines so I laid down and of course couldn't sleep. About an hour later, everything was explosively expelled. (There's no delicate way to say it.)

'Overwork it' is an understatement. A painful lesson for me to take all of the instructions seriously. I thought like you - a little pasta - what could that hurt? Well, I found out, it hurt a lot!

You are smart to ask - there is a reason for every instruction. No matter how many days you do the MC, ease back in to regular eating over a period of days just like the book says.

I was really foolish - but if this helps anyone avoid the same mistake, thanks for the opportunity to share.


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